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Etherboot User Manual

Ken Yap and Markus Gutschke, <kenUNDERSCOREyap AT users PERIOD sourceforge PERIOD net>, <markus+etherboot AT gutschke PERIOD com>

v5.0.7, 31 July 2002

This User Manual explains how to install, configure and use the Etherboot package. The instructions here apply to version 5.0 of Etherboot.

1. About this User Manual

2. Introduction to Etherboot

3. Unpacking, compiling and testing the package

4. Setting up a diskless boot

5. Testing the network booting

6. Booting DOS

7. Making an Etherboot EPROM or EEPROM

8. Troubleshooting tips

9. Frequently Answered Questions

10. Acknowledgements

11. Source copyrights

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