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2. Introduction to Etherboot

2.1 What is Etherboot?

Etherboot is a software package for creating ROM images that can download code over an Ethernet network to be executed on an x86 computer. Many network adapters have a socket where a ROM chip can be installed. Etherboot is code that can be put in such a ROM. Etherboot can also be booted from floppies (mainly for testing purposes but some people have been known to use this all the time) and hard disk, as a LILO/SYSLINUX compatible image, or from a hard disk partition.

Etherboot requires the PC architecture, it does not work for other Linux platforms such as Alphas or Suns. Typically the computer is diskless and the code is Linux or FreeBSD, but these are not the only possibilities. The code uses the bootp, tftp and NFS Internet Protocols, among others.

For a somewhat out of date talk/tutorial type introduction to what Etherboot does and how to set it up, see my SLUG talk. You may wish to review this before reading further.

2.2 Legal status of the code

Etherboot is Open Source under the GNU General Public License Version 2 (GPL2). The license conditions can be obtained from the file COPYING in the top directory of the distribution or viewed at In particular note that if you are distributing binaries generated from Etherboot, such as ROMs or ROM images, you must provide or promise to provide the user with the source. If you have not made private changes to the code, you can do this by pointing the user to the Etherboot home page, noting the release version of course. If you have made private changes to the code, then you must distribute those changes too with binary distributions.

The GPL applies to the whole package but portions may be used under other licenses. See the section on source copyrights for details, file by file. Please support Open Source by joining the community and sharing. See the Etherboot home page for some ways you can help Etherboot.

No Warranty or Support: Etherboot comes with NO warranties of any kind. It is hoped that it will be useful to you, but NO responsibility is accepted for any outcome of using it. Etherboot also comes with NO support, although you may get helpful advice from the mailing lists listed on the Etherboot home page.

2.3 What hardware is supported?

The following is the current NIC configuration file as of 2002-07-29.

Even if your NIC does not appear in the list, it may still be supported if the chip is one of those supported. Many OEMs use chips from foundries. An exhaustive list of brand names is impossible. The best strategy is to read the number on the LAN controller chip on the board.

# This is the config file for creating Makefile rules for Etherboot ROMs
# To make a ROM for a supported NIC locate the appropriate family
# and add a line of the form
# ROM           PCI-IDs         Comment
# ROM is the desired output name for both .rom and .lzrom images.
# PCI IDs are the PCI vendor and device IDs of the PCI NIC
# For ISA NICs put -
# Comment will be copied into config.c for display when detected
# All PCI ROMs that share a single driver are only built once (because they
# only have different PCI-IDs, but identical code).  ISA ROMS are built for
# each ROM type, because different vendors used a different logic around the
# basic chip.  The most popular example is the NS8390, which some cards use
# in PIO mode, some in DMA mode.  Two chips currently don't fit into this nice
# black-and-white scheme (the Lance and the NS8390).  Their driver deals
# with both PCI and ISA cards.  These drivers will be treated similarly to
# ISA only drivers by and are compiled for each ROM type that is
# ISA, and additionally compiled for the PCI card type.
# Then do: make clean, make Roms and make
# Please send additions to this file to <kenUNDERSCOREyap AT users PERIOD sourceforge PERIOD net>

# Start of configuration

family          3c595
# 3c59x cards (Vortex) and 3c900 cards
# If your 3c900 NIC detects but fails to work, e.g. no link light, with
# the 3c90x driver, try using the 3c595 driver. I have one report that the
# 3c595 driver handles these NICs properly. (The 595 driver uses the
# programmed I/O mode of operation, whereas the 90x driver uses the bus
# mastering mode. These NICs are capable of either mode.) When it comes to
# making a ROM, as usual, you must choose the correct image, the one that
# contains the same PCI IDs as your NIC.
3c590           0x10b7,0x5900
3c595           0x10b7,0x5950
3c595-1         0x10b7,0x5951
3c595-2         0x10b7,0x5952
3c900-tpo       0x10b7,0x9000
3c900-t4        0x10b7,0x9001
3c900b-tpo      0x10b7,0x9004
3c900b-combo    0x10b7,0x9005
3c900b-tpb2     0x10b7,0x9006
3c900b-fl       0x10b7,0x900a

family          3c90x
# Original 90x revisions:
3c905-tpo       0x10b7,0x9000   10 Base TPO
3c905-t4        0x10b7,0x9001   10/100 T4
3c905-tpo100    0x10b7,0x9050   10/100 TPO
3c905-combo     0x10b7,0x9051   10 Base Combo
# Newer 90xB revisions:
3c905b-tpo      0x10b7,0x9004   10 Base TPO
3c905b-combo    0x10b7,0x9005   10 Base Combo
3c905b-tpb2     0x10b7,0x9006   10 Base TP and Base2
3c905b-fl       0x10b7,0x900a   10 Base FL
3c905b-tpo100   0x10b7,0x9055   10/100 TPO
3c905b-t4       0x10b7,0x9056   10/100 T4
3c905b-9058     0x10b7,0x9058   0x9058
3c905b-fx       0x10b7,0x905a   10 Base FX
# Newer 90xC revision:
3c905c-tpo      0x10b7,0x9200   10/100 TPO (3C905C-TXM)
3c980           0x10b7,0x9800
3c9805          0x10b7,0x9805
3csoho100-tx    0x10b7,0x7646

family          eepro100
# Intel Etherexpress Pro/100
eepro100        0x8086,0x1229
82559er         0x8086,0x1209
id1029          0x8086,0x1029
id1030          0x8086,0x1030
id1038          0x8086,0x1038
82562et         0x8086,0x1039
82562em         0x8086,0x2449

family          e1000
#Intel Etherexpress Pro/1000
e1000           0x8086,0x1000
e1000-fib       0x8086,0x1001
e1000-cop       0x8086,0x1004
e1000-ecop      0x8086,0x1008
e1000-creb      0x8086,0x100d

family          lance
# Lance PCI PCNet/32
lancepci        0x1022,0x2000
pcnetfastiii    0x1022,0x2625
amdhomepna      0x1022,0x2001   AMD HomePNA
ne2100          -               Novell NE2100, NE1500
ni6510          -               Racal-Interlan NI6510

family          tulip
dc21040         0x1011,0x0002
dc21041         0x1011,0x0014   Tulip+
ds21140         0x1011,0x0009
ds21140a        0x1011,0x0009
ds21142         0x1011,0x0019   Tulip 21142
ds21143         0x1011,0x0019   Tulip 21143
# Netgear FA310TX and similar Tulip clones
82c168          0x11ad,0x0002
kne110tx        0x11ad,0x0002
lc82c115        0x11ad,0xc115   LNE100TX
# Macronix 987x5 Tulip clones
mx98713         0x10d9,0x0512
mx98715         0x10d9,0x0531
mx98725         0x10d9,0x0531
# Another Macronix clone?
mxic-98715      0x1113,0x1217
an981           0x1317,0x0981   ADMTek Centaur-P (stmicro)
an983           0x1113,0x1216   ADMTek Comet 983
centaur-p       0x1317,0x0985   ADMtek Centaur-P
centaur-c       0x1317,0x1985
ax88140         0x125b,0x1400   ASIX AX88140
ax88141         0x125b,0x1400
# Davicom, but using the Tulip driver
dm9100          0x1282,0x9100
dm9102          0x1282,0x9102
intel21145      0x8086,0x0039   Intel Tulip
rl100tx         0x11f6,0x9881   Compex RL100-TX
xircomtulip     0x115d,0x0003

family          davicom
davicom9102     0x1282,0x9102   Davicom DM9102
davicom9009     0x1282,0x9009

family          rtl8139
rtl8129         0x10ec,0x8129   Realtek 8129
rtl8139         0x10ec,0x8139   Realtek 8139
smc1211         0x1112,0x1211   SMC1211
dfe538          0x1186,0x1300   D-Link DFE538TX

family          via-rhine
dlink-530tx-old 0x1106,0x3043   Rhine-I
dlink-530tx     0x1106,0x3065
# Rhine-II
via-rhine-old   0x1106,0x6100
via-rhine       0x1106,0x3065

family          w89c840
winbond840      0x1050,0x0840   Winbond W89c840
compexrl100atx  0x11f6,0x2011   Compex RL100-ATX

family          sis900
sis900          0x1039,0x0900   SIS 900
sis7016         0x1039,0x7016   SIS 7016

family          natsemi
fa311           0x100B,0x0020   Netgear FA311/312
fa312           0x100B,0x0020   Netgear FA311/312
dp83815         0x100B,0x0020   DP83815

family          fa311
fa311too        0x100B,0x0020   DP83815 also

family          tlan
#olicom2326     0x108d,0x0014   TI Thunderlan

family          prism2_plx
ma301           0x1385,0x4100   Netgear MA301

family          prism2_pci
# Various Prism2.5 (PCI) devices that manifest themselves as Harris Semiconductor devices
# (with the actual vendor appearing as the vendor of the first subsystem)
prism2_pci      0x1260,0x3873   Generic Prism2.5 PCI device
hwp01170        0x1260,0x3873   ActionTec HWP01170
dwl520          0x1260,0x3873   DLink DWL-520

family          ns8390
# A few NE2000 PCI clones, list not exhaustive
rtl8029         0x10ec,0x8029   RealTek 8029
dlink-528       0x1186,0x0300   D-Link DE528
winbond940      0x1050,0x0940   Winbond 86C940
compexrl2000    0x11f6,0x1401   Compex RL2000
ktiet32p2       0x8e2e,0x3000   KTI ET32P2
nv5000sc        0x4a14,0x5000   NetVin 5000SC
holtek80232     0x12c3,0x0058   Holtek 80232
wd              -               WD8003/8013, SMC8216/8416, SMC 83c790 (EtherEZ)
ne              -               NE1000/2000 and clones
3c503           -               3Com503, Etherlink II[/16]

family          epic100
epic100         0x10b8,0x0005   SMC 83c170 EPIC/100

family          3c509
3c509           -               3c509, ISA/EISA
3c529           -               3c529 == MCA 3c509

family          3c515
3c515           -               3c515, Fast EtherLink ISA

family          eepro
eepro           -               Intel Etherexpress Pro/10

family          cs89x0
cs89x0          -               Crystal Semiconductor CS89x0

family          depca
depca           -               Digital DE100 and DE200

family          i82586
3c507           -               3Com507
ni5210          -               Racal-Interlan NI5210
exos205         -               Exos 205

family          ni5010
ni5010          -               Racal-Interlan NI5010

family          sk_g16
sk_g16          -               Schneider and Koch G16

family          smc9000
smc9000         -               SMC9000

family          tiara
tiara           -               Tiara, Fujitsu Lancard

The following drivers have notes in the src directory, please read them:


All Etherboot drivers are autoprobing, which means they attempt to detect the hardware addresses at which the card is installed. It's fairly easy to write a driver if you know C and are familiar with Ethernet hardware interfacing. Please read the developer manual if you wish to do so.

2.4 Getting help

Please join the Etherboot mailing lists. These are listed on the Etherboot home page. There is a users mailing list and a developers mailing list. The users list is for issues with building and running the software, while the developers list is for issues with features and coding.

Please post questions to the Etherboot mailing lists instead of mailing me because: you get the benefit of a lot of experts seeing your question (no, I don't know everything, if only because there are many configurations I have never used); a lot of people see the question and answer and this helps them too. You will usually not get any reply from me if you email questions to me directly. I want to make the best use of my time and that is by making sure that as many people as possible see the questions and answers. Note that I will post my replies to the mailing lists so to see the answers you should subscribe, or be willing to check the archives later.

Other lists you can join are the Netboot mailing list (joining details on Etherboot home page), and the Linux Terminal Server Project mailing lists at LTSP. The Etherboot and Netboot lists are for general netbooting issues, while LTSP is focused more on the LTSP packages. However there is a fair amount of overlap between the lists and many key people are on all lists.

Note that the Netboot mailing list is spam protected. If your ISP has been slack security-wise and had a machine of theirs get onto one of the Open Relay Blacklists, then you will not be allowed to post. The only things I can suggest are to change your ISP to a more responsible one, or to get a Web based mailbox. I cannot help you with problems here as I do not administer the Netboot mailing list.

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