VendorTag extensions Markus Gutschke, gutschk AT math PERIOD uni-muenster PERIOD de with minor changes by Ken Yap, kenUNDERSCOREyap AT users PERIOD sourceforge PERIOD net 28 April 2001 This document describes the format and semantics of the VendorTags This documentation has been written and is copyrighted 1996,97 by Markus Gutschke . You are free to distribute this file as long as you do not change its contents. I appreciate comments and will consider them in future revisions. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please also send carbon copies of your e-mail message to both Ken Yap and Gero Kuhlmann . I will happily include any of your extensions, but I would like to avoid the proliferation of different incompatible revisions of this document. If these conditions are a problem to you, then feel free to contact me. RFC1533 allows for vendor-specific extensions to the BOOTP protocol. It defines that all tags in the range 128 thru 254 are set aside for site-specific extensions. Common implementations of "bootpd" daemons can assign arbitrary null-terminated character strings to these tags. This is a list of the tags that are currently used by the BOOT-Prom; as a general rule, you should never fill out any of these entries, unless you positively know that your BOOT-Prom supports the extension or ignores this particular tag: TTAAGG 112288 this is a six-byte hexadecimal entry. The first four bytes have to be the magic number E4 45 74 68; if this magic cannot be found, then none of the other vendor tags are valid! The fifth byte is the major version number and the sixth byte is the minor version number of this protocol extension. The current version is 0.0; the BOOT-Prom can assume that incompatible changes increase the major version number. Mere extensions to the existing protocol, increase the minor version number. If the BOOT-Prom code has been written in a way that anticipates future extensions, then it is acceptable to honor the vendor tags even though, the minor version number does not match exactly. Before making a change, that requires updating the major version number, you should contact all of the persons that are listed at the top of this document. TTAAGG 112299 the BOOT-Prom uses this tag for passing a user-provided command line to the loaded operating system. As this tag is used internally, the "bootpd" daemon must not assign any value to it! TTAAGG 116600 a string that contains a colon separated list of "parameter=value" pairs. Currently, these parameters are only used to control the behavior of an interactive menu for selecting different boot images; future extensions are quite likely: ttiimmeeoouutt after this many seconds, the default image will be loaded. If no 'timeout' has been set, then the program will wait indefinitely. ddeeffaauulltt either an integer 'n' in the range 0 thru 15 or 192 thru 207, selecting the default image. If 'n' is in the first range, it refers to the 'n'th menu entry; if it is in the later range, it refers to the entry with the tag number 'n'. This distinction is important, if the list of images contains gaps. If no value has been set, then the image with the lowest tag number will be the default image. TTAAGGSS 116611 tthhrruu 117744 these tags are currently unused, but they should be allocated for purposes that resemble the function of tag 160. TTAAGG 117755 the BOOT-Prom uses this tag for telling the DHCP server which NIC driver it is using. The DHCP server can then modify the "filename" field in the DHCPACK packet in order to direct the BOOT-Prom to download an appropriate kernel image. TTAAGG 117766 the BOOT-Prom uses this tag for telling the loaded operating system, which of the entries in tags 192 to 207 has been selected by the user. As this tag is used internally, the "bootpd" daemon must not assign any value to it! TTAAGGSS 117777 tthhrruu 118833 these tags are reserved for passing information from the BOOT- Prom to the boot image. Under no circumstances should the "bootpd" daemon assign any of these entries. The format of these parameters is yet to be discussed. TTAAGGSS 118844 tthhrruu 119911 up to eight zero-terminated character strings can be used for displaying a "message of the day". If you need to display more than eight lines, you can embed suitable CR/LF pairs. If you fully exploit that feature, you can display a complete 80x24 screen of information, but you should be aware that subsequent output might scroll part of a long message. The BOOT-Prom can optionally be configured to interpret some ANSI escape sequences. There also is an extension for including extra data via TFTP; this overcomes the size limitation of the tags 184-191. The ANSI emulation currently knows about these commands: ________________________________________________________________ Display attributes Code Effect [0m normal text [1m high-intensity on [21m high-intensity off [5m blinking on [25m blinking off [7m reverse video on [27m reverse video off [3xm set foreground color: [4xm set background color. x can be: 0 - black 4 - blue 1 - red 5 - magenta 2 - green 6 - cyan 3 - yellow 7 - white [=xh set video mode 0 - 40x25 mono (text) 13 - 40x25 16colors (gfx) 1 - 40x25 16colors (text) 14 - 80x25 16colors (gfx) 2 - 80x25 mono (text) 15 - 80x25 mono (gfx) 3 - 80x25 16colors (text) 16 - 80x25 16colors (gfx) 4 - 40x25 4colors (gfx) 17 - 80x30 mono (gfx) 5 - 40x25 mono (gfx) 18 - 80x30 16colors (gfx) 6 - 80x25 mono (gfx) 19 - 40x25 256colors(gfx) Cursor control Code Effect [r;cH move cursor to row r and column c [r;cf move cursor to row r and column c [rA move cursor up r rows [rB move cursor down r rows [cC move cursor right c columns [cD move cursor left c columns [?7l turn off line wrap [?7h turn on line wrap [J clear screen and home cursor [K clear to end of line [s save the cursor position [u return cursor to saved position Extended features Code Effect ['filename'# load include file with TFTP. Nested includes are not allowed and will silently be ignored. [a;b;c;d+ draw pixel data. Use one byte per pixel. Colors are encoded as shown above. In text mode, graphics is approximated by outputting suitable characters. Parameters differ depending on the number of parameters passed: cnt "cnt" data bytes follow. They will be drawn to the right of the last graphics position. rle;col the next "rle" pixels have the value "col". They will be drawn to the right of the last graphics position. No data bytes follow. x;y;cnt "cnt" data bytes follow. They will be drawn relative to the top left corner of the text cursor with an offset of (x/y). x;y;rle;col the next "rle" pixels have the value "col". They will be drawn relative to the top left corner of the text cursor with an offset of (x/y). No data bytes follow you usually do not have to enter these values manually, but you should use a tool such as "ppmtoansi" which is shipped with your BOOT-Prom or available from the contrib directory of the "etherboot" package. [a;b;c;d- same as above, but pack pixels into three bits. The first pixel is stored in the three most significant bits of the first data byte. ________________________________________________________________ Note that you usually have to specify any control characters directly (rather than in hex form) in your bootptab file. TTAAGGSS 119922 tthhrruu 220077 these tags define all of the valid boot images and override any settings that are given with the "bf" bootfile option in your "bootptab". It is allowed to leave gaps in the list. This has an impact on how the `default' image will be selected. All entries are of the form ________________________________________________________________ label:server:gateway:filename:passwd:flags:cmdline ________________________________________________________________ For future extensibility, it is permitted to append an arbitrary amount of other colon separated entries as long as the limit of 255 characters per tag is not exceeded. Non-existent entries can be left empty. This means that the default value for this particular entry will be used. Trailing colons can be omitted. llaabbeell this is the text string that is displayed to the user. It can contain arbitrary characters, except for a colon. Embedding arbitrary control characters is not recommended, but you might be able to include ANSI escape sequences (if enabled in the ROM) for changing text attributes as long as you restore the attributes at the end of the string. It probably does not make very much sense to leave this entry empty. sseerrvveerr IP number of the TFTP server, where the image can be found. This data has to be in decimal form (e.g.; it is not permitted to use a hostname. It is the responsibility of the "bootpd" to look up hostnames. If this entry is omitted, then the BOOTP server will be used for the TFTP download. ggaatteewwaayy use this IP gateway, when accessing the boot image by TFTP. If no value is given, the BOOTP gateway or alternatively the first entry in the list of gateways "gw" is used. ffiilleennaammee name of the boot image that has to be loaded by TFTP. If this entry is omitted, then the machine boots locally from disk. If enabled in the BOOT-Prom, you can specify pseudo-filenames for booting from a local blockdevice (floppy, harddisk, ...); these filenames have to match the pattern "/dev/[fh]d*". If the BOOT-Prom does not have support for these pseudo- filenames, you can still boot from blockdevices by storing an boot image as generated by mknbi-blkdev under the name of the desired blockdevice (symbolic links will do). In Etherboot 4.6.2 and later, a - in this field means use the filename specified in the BOOTP/DHCP reply. This saves on menu size. ppaasssswwdd MD5 message digest of the password. If this entry is omitted, then no password is required for loading this image. Support for passwords is optional and might not be compiled into the ROM image. For generating the MD5 message digest, you can use freely available tools such as "md5sum". C.f. the flags entry for controlling the behavior of passwords. ffllaaggss flags are used for controlling some aspects of how the BOOT- Prom code behaves. All flags are a string of decimal digits followed by a letter; multiple flags can be concatenated. If this entry is omitted, then a default value of "1i1p" is assumed. Currently, these flags are defined: 00ii booting this image does not require a password; the contents of the password entry is ignored unless some other feature (such as the flag "2p") requires it. 11ii booting this image requires a password. If the password entry is omitted, or no password support is available in the BOOT-Prom, then this flag is ignored. 00pp the user cannot enter a command line for passing parameters to the loaded image, even if this feature has been enabled when compiling the BOOT-Prom. N.B. this does not affect the cmdline entry as described below! 11pp the user does not get prompted for passing parameters to the loaded image, but he can explicitly request the prompt (e.g. by pressing a modifier key while selecting an image from the menu). If the password entry is not omitted, then the password has to be entered. Both parameter passing and password validation can be disabled when compiling the BOOT-Prom. 22pp the user always gets prompted for passing parameters to the loaded image. If the password entry is present and password support has been enabled in the BOOT-Prom, then the password has to be entered. 33pp the user always gets prompted for passing parameters to the loaded image. No password is required. ccmmddlliinnee the contents of this entry is appended to the end of the command line that gets passed to the loaded image. This feature is unaffected by the "p" flags. Passing parameters currently does not make sense for any operating system other than Linux and is silently ignored for other operating systems. As it is not legal to enter colons as part of an entry, you have to escape them by writing "~c" instead. This also means, that all tilde characters have to be escaped by writing "~~". As some bootp daemons do not allow for entering a backslash in a character string, the escape sequence "~b" inserts a backslash character. Currently, all other escape sequences are undefined. For demonstration purposes, I attached an annotated excerpt from my "bootptab" illustrating some of these techniques. In the following the character sequence ESC should be replaced by the ASCII escape character. Also the 8-bit characters have been changed to 7-bit approximations due to SGML tool limitations. To get the original codes, use this table: top left corner, char 201 (decimal); horizontal bar, char 205; top right corner, char 187; vertical bar, char 186; bottom left corner, char 200; bottom right corner, char 188. ______________________________________________________________________ # # The MOTD (message of the day) can contain arbitrary characters, that # the PC is capable of displaying. Here we use 8bit characters for # drawing a border around the message; also we change the foreground # color to red (this assumes that the BOOT Prom has support for ANSI # escape sequences): # .motd:\ :T184="ESC[31m":\ :T185="+------------------------------------------------------+":\ :T186="| This is an experimental release of the new BOOT-Prom |":\ :T187="| code. It supports a couple of non-standard vendor |":\ :T188="| extensions. |":\ :T189="+------------------------------------------------------+":\ :T190="ESC[37m": # # Alternatively, the MOTD can be stored in an external file; this # requires that you enabled ANSI support in the BOOT Prom! For more # advanced configurability, you should explore the feature of the # patched tftpd daemon (as available in the contrib directory) to # execute shell scripts and use the output as the file contents. # # .motd:\ # :T184="ESC[31mLoading message of the day...ESC[37mESC['/etc/motd'#": # # # We use the "template" feature of modern versions of "bootp" in order # to group common entries. Unfortunately, you cannot use more than one # "tc" entry per (pseudo-) host. Pseudo hostnames should begin with a # leading period character. # # All entries are kept as generic as possible. This ensures that they # will keep working even when the network topology is changed. Leaving # the server IP address and the gateway IP address empty, should # ensure that booting works even when we go thru "bootpgw" gateways. # # "Technicolor" special effects are achieved by changing the # foreground text color of the individual labels. You could even embed # small icons after switching to graphics mode. C.f. "linux-logo.ansi" # for an example; this will not work, if your BOOT Prom does not have # support for ANSI escape sequences. # # Passing boot-time parameters to the Linux kernel, requires the # password "Penguin". # # Booting from the local disk requires the password "Joshua". If the # BOOT-Prom does not have support for booting from local block devices # (floppy, harddrive, ...), then you can either omit the filename # (c.f. README.Security for potential security problems) or your TFTP # server has to provide a boot image that has been generated by # mknbi-blkdev. # .imagemenu:\ :tc=.motd:\ :T128=E44574680000:\ :T160="timeout=30:default=207:":\ :T192="ESC[32mLinux 2.0.27ESC[37m:::/tftpdir/image-linux:99625fa1cac27bb6a2b33b7638afe47:0i1p":\ :T193="ESC[33mDOS 6.2ESC[37m:::/tftpdir/image-dos":\ :T207="ESC[34mLocal DiskESC[37m:::/dev/hda:85b103482a20682da703aa388933a6d8": # # When using more than a handful of vendor parameters, we have to # specify an extension file "ef". If you are very careful, then it is # possible to use one extension file for several hosts. Don't forget # to run "bootpef" after editing the "bootptab", and make sure that # you "chroot" into the proper directory, if applicable. # .default:\ :tc=.imagemenu:\ :bf=tftpdir/image-rom:\ :hd=:\ :ht=ethernet:\ :sm=\ :vm=auto:\ :ef=extension.bootp: # # Ideally, hosts differ only with respect to their ethernet hardware # ID and IP number. We let the "bootpd" look up the correct IP number. # thalamus:tc=.default:ha=00400529C11B:ip=thalamus: cortex: :tc=.default:ha=0000C0531A24:ip=cortex: ______________________________________________________________________ Here is an example DHCP specification illustrating the use of - in the filename portion of the menu options to eliminate needless repetition. ______________________________________________________________________ # per host setup host { # MAC and IP addresses hardware ethernet 00:60:08:0d:a9:84; fixed-address; # default file to boot, common append options, default menu selection and timeout filename "/tftpboot/thinlinux/1.0-alpha-025/3c59x-ide.ram0"; option option-129 "ramdisk_size=16000 vga=6"; option option-160 "timeout=10:default=192"; option option-184 "^[['/tftpboot/thinlinux/1.0-alpha-025/motd'#"; # menu selections, specify filename or "-" to use default filename specified above option option-192 "test1:::-:::nfs=xterm"; option option-193 "test2:::-:::nfs=shell"; option option-194 "test3:::-:::nfs=other"; } ______________________________________________________________________ For ISC DHCPD 3.0 Beta 2 Patchlevel 18 and above the syntax above is no longer accepted and a new syntax is in operation according to this note in the Changelog: ______________________________________________________________________ Use unparsable names for unknown options. WARNING: this will break any configuration files that use the option-nnn convention. If you want to continue to use this convention for some options, please be sure to write a definition, like this: option option-nnn code nnn = string; You can use a descriptive name instead of option-nnn if you like. ______________________________________________________________________ If you only have old BOOT-Proms and want to use these advanced features without having to burn new BOOT-Proms, there is a little trick. You may have noticed that old BOOT-Proms ignore all of these vendor extensions and unconditionally load the file that is given in the "bf" bootfile entry. On the other hand, new BOOT-Proms completely ignore the "bf" entry when they find a list of images in the vendor extension tags. Therefore, you create a boot image that contains the new BOOT-Prom code and specify the filename in the "bf" entry. This results in a two step bootloading process. First the old BOOT-Prom loads the new code and then the new code displays the message of the day, processes the image list, asks the user for his preferred image (and possibly for parameters and a password) and then proceeds booting.