Security Markus Gutschke, gutschk AT math PERIOD uni-muenster PERIOD de 1 July 1997 Here are some security considerations relating to network booting. ______________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. SCOPE OF THIS TEXT 3. PC ARCHITECTURE 4. PASSWORDS PROTECTED BOOT-PROMS 5. BOOTING DOS 6. BOOTING LINUX 7. ETHERNET AND ITS PROTOCOLS 8. BOOTP/TFTP 9. NFS 10. TELNET/RLOGIN 11. THE X WINDOW SYSTEM 12. CONCLUSION ______________________________________________________________________ 11.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn This documentation has been written and is copyrighted 1997 by Markus Gutschke . You are free to distribute this file as long as you do not change its contents. I appreciate comments and will consider them in future revisions. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please also send carbon copies of your e-mail message to both Ken Yap and Gero Kuhlmann . I will happily include any of your extensions, but I would like to avoid the proliferation of different incompatible revisions of this document. If these conditions are a problem to you, then feel free to contact me. 22.. SSCCOOPPEE OOFF TTHHIISS TTEEXXTT Any computer that is either physically accessible or can remotely be contacted over a network is potentially threatened by attempts to circumvent its security measures. The PC architecture is especially insecure and using a BOOT-Prom can help preventing some of the more obvious attacks. On the other hand, it also enables some attacks that are not possible against machines that boot from local mass storage devices (floppy, harddisk, ...). As a general rule, you can assume that it is impossible to protect your system from all conceivable attacks, but you can try to minimize the chance of an attack, try to minimize the seriousness of the damage caused and try to help in detecting attacks at the earliest possible moment. This text discusses some of the issues involved and tries to raise awareness of security problems; it cannot provide generic solutions to all of these problems, but should help you in appreciating the need for proper administration and regular security updates. 33.. PPCC AARRCCHHIITTEECCTTUURREE The PC architecture was never designed with security considerations in mind. Running an operating system such as DOS or Windows, allows the user full control over the hardware. There are no effective measures for preventing him from modifying data on local mass storage devices, reading confidential data that is stored locally, installing trojan horses and programs that intercept user input, monitoring all data packets that are sent on the local ethernet segment, sending ethernet packages with faked authorization information, and a whole lot of other potentially dangerous actions. Modern operating systems and suitable hardware extensions make these attacks more difficult, but as long as the user can still launch arbitrary programs that have full hardware access, there is not much protection that can be achieved in this way. Therefore, the most important security measures are those that prevent a malicious user from executing programs from arbitrary external sources. The PC must be physically protected, so that there is no way of replacing the harddrive (either for reading its contents or for installing compromised software), installing a modified system BIOS (if your system has a Flash BIOS, then make sure that it is always write protected and that write protection actually works!), connecting it to a different network, removing extra hardware that offers security features, or performing some other hardware modification. If the PC offers exchangeable mass storage devices (floppy, ZIP drive, CD-ROM, ...), the system must be configured to never boot from these devices. This is not as easy as it might sound. Most motherboards come with a system BIOS which offers back-doors to their password. So configuring the BIOS to never boot from exchangeable devices, will not prevent any determined hacker from modifying this setting. These generically accepted passwords might not be known to your average users, but you can assume that even a poorly informed hacker will know about them. Besides, if your system allows for reading the contents of the CMOS memory chip (e.g. by starting a suitable DOS program such the debugger which ships with DOS), then the password can be computed from this data. While you should still make sure, that your BIOS has password protection, this is only to be considered as a mild deterrent. A more useful protection is achieved by installing extra firmware, which requires a password before booting from a local device. This firmware should be written in a way which prevents the system BIOS from disabling it. This is the default configuration for the "etherboot" BOOT-Prom, but it might still be circumvented, if your system BIOS allows for disabling certain memory areas from being scanned for ROMs. If this is the case, then complain to your system vendor and replace the machine; it is unsuitable for being used in a publically accessible place. Also, in a security conscious environment, there must be no way of escaping from the control of the BOOT-Prom; this means, that you must not enable the "-DEMERGENCYDISKBOOT" option when compiling the "etherboot" software and you must never offer an empty image name in the image menu (c.f. README.VendorTags). If you want to offer booting from a local device, then specify the full device name and either enable the "-DFLOPPY" option or store a boot image (as generated by "mknbi-blkdev") under this name on the TFTP server. It might be a good idea to install non-functional bootcode in the master boot record of your harddisk and install any locally required boot code in the boot sectors of the individual partitions. Both "etherboot" and "mknbi-blkdev" know how to boot from partitions such as "/dev/hda1" (first primary partion) or "/dev/hdb5" (first logical partion on the second harddrive). If you have the choice, then do not offer operating systems which come without effective password protection and virtualization. This basically rules out all of the following: DOS, Windows, Win95, ... You should be aware of the fact, that offering one "dangerous" operating system, makes all other operating systems vulnerable as well. A noteworthy example is the availability of tools which allow an arbitrary DOS user to read and modify the contents of a Linux harddisk partition (similar tools are supposedly available for accessing NT partions). 44.. PPAASSSSWWOORRDDSS PPRROOTTEECCTTEEDD BBOOOOTT--PPRROOMMSS Password protected BOOT-Proms are a considerable improvement over the standard security measures offered by the PC architecture, but they are still vulnerable to a variety of attacks. Most of these attacks are related to the weaknesses of the BOOTP and TFTP protocol and these issues are discussed in another section of text. As the BOOT-Prom cannot store the passwords locally, it has to request them from the BOOTP/TFTP server. The BOOTP and TFTP protocols do not allow for any elaborate challenge/response authorization scheme. Thus the BOOT-Prom requests the password from the server and subsequently compares it with the password as input by the user. As packets transmitted on the ethernet can easily be monitored, the server sends a MD5 message digest (as invented by Ron Rivest/"RSA Data Security, Inc.") of the actual password. The BOOT-Prom computes the MD5 value for the user input and compares these two values. It is generally believed that there is no way of computing a valid plain text from a known MD5 message digest, other than comparing it against all conceivable input texts. Thus, this approach is still vulnerable against dictionary attacks. You should aim for using long passwords (although, anything beyond 20 characters is unlikely to considerably improve the security of the password) which are not listed in any dictionary. Make sure that these passwords are memorized and not available in un-encrypted form. Replace the passwords regularly and do not offer more menu entries in the BOOTP data than are absolutely neccessary. 55.. BBOOOOTTIINNGG DDOOSS If you have to offer DOS or a related operating system, then do not fool yourself into believing that you can install security software in one of its configuration files. All of these mechanisms can easily be avoided. In many cases, even average users can figure out how to do this. 66.. BBOOOOTTIINNGG LLIINNUUXX There are a variety of ways that allow for booting Linux in single user mode. The most common techniques involve passing a suitable option on the kernel command line (i.e. "single") or crashing the filesystem by power cycling the machine; this in turn will result in fsck being invoked at the next system start, which will sometimes drop you into single user mode. Some Linux distributions do not require a password when entering single user mode. While this makes system administration somewhat easier, it is a considerable security problem. Make sure, that your system does not suffer from it. For other security problems with running insecure programs under Linux or using poorly configured distributions, refer to the Usenet newsgroups, security mailing lists and choose a distribution whose manufacturer frequently releases security fixes. It is a fallacy to assume that the unavailability of patches implies the security and correctness of a software application; as a rule of thumb, a manufacturer who releases more patches than a different one, probably cares more about the security of your system than the latter. This also applies to operating systems other than Linux! 77.. EETTHHEERRNNEETT AANNDD IITTSS PPRROOTTOOCCOOLLSS The ethernet is extremly vulnerable to attacks from malicious users. Anybody who can gain direct access to an ethernet segment, can easily monitor all traffic and inject forged data. This is very dangerous, because many protocols transfer data either un-encoded or in easily decipherable form. Also, authorization is often based on the assumption that the return address or a session id can be trusted, but this is no longer true if users gain unlimited access to the ethernet; it does not really matter if this access is achieved by having physical control over part of the network or by running a compromised or inherently insecure operating system. There are various attacks from machines that are not directly connected to your ethernet segment, but the majority of them can be prevented by installing and maintaining a properly configured firewall. For more information, you should regularly monitor security related newsgroups and mailinglists. 88.. BBOOOOTTPP//TTFFTTPP BOOTP and TFTP offer almost no security whatsoever. They basically provide their information to anybody who asks and solely rely on the assumption that your network is configured to not make the server world-accessable. If you install BOOTP gateways, then this assumption is seriously violated. Also, TFTP server are usually accessible from just about everywhere. You can try to dimish the impact of this problem by blocking BOOTP and TFTP packes from leaving or entering your network segment, but this will never be a completely secure solution. Thus you should always assume that all of the files that your BOOTP and TFTP server offer are world readable. They must not contain any sensitive data. Also, the TFTP daemon must be configured to only allow access to selected files. Running it in a chroot'd environment might be a very good idea. The BOOTP protocol is vulnerable against somebody else impersonating as a BOOTP server. While security aware operating systems, prevent non-priviledged users from starting their own BOOTP servers, other operating systems do not allow this. This means, if any of your users can launch an arbitrary program under an insecure operating system on an arbitrary machine connected to your ethernet segment, then they have full control over the BOOTP boot process. 99.. NNFFSS While NFS is very convenient for installing diskless machines, it provides almost no security. Data is transmitted unencrypted and authorization is solely based on the identity of IP addresses. Anybody who can forge ethernet packets, has full access over any data that is available via NFS. While there are protocol extension that try to address these shortcomings, I am not aware of any solution for Linux based machines. This means, you have to assume that all exported filesystems are freely read- and writeable. Bear this in mind when deciding which data you intend to export. 1100.. TTEELLNNEETT//RRLLOOGGIINN Telnet and rlogin do not usually come with any effective protection other than simple password schemes. Data and even the password is transmitted as plain text. There are commonly available programs that constantly monitor the network for packets that contains passwords. Fortunately, the security of these protocols can be vastly improved by replacing them with the Secure Shell protocoll ( Preferably, all telnet and rlogin servers and clients should be removed from all machines. 1111.. TTHHEE XX WWIINNDDOOWW SSYYSSTTEEMM X provides some security when run over a network, but the scope of it is limited and exploits can easily be devised. At the very least, you should make sure that the xauth protocol is used as opposed to the vastly inferior xhost protocol. A better solution is provided by routing all X connections through a secure shell session. This does not only provide more reliable authentication, but it also encrypts all data. 1122.. CCOONNCCLLUUSSIIOONN While this text cannot do more than barely scratch the surface, it should help you in locating some of the more vulnerable sub-systems of your networks and your computers. It does not aim for completeness, but if you think that there is a topic which should be mentioned or if you want to update an entry, then please to contact me.