SLUG talk: Setting up a diskless Linux system Ken Yap 30th January 1998 ____________________________________________________________ Table of Contents 1. Why network booting? 2. How does it work? 3. Server setup 3.1 Bootpd setup 3.2 Tftpd setup 3.3 Kernel image 4. Net loader 5. RH5 configuration 6. Gotchas and caveats 7. X-terminal 8. Other applications ______________________________________________________________________ 11.. WWhhyy nneettwwoorrkk bboooottiinngg?? +o No moving parts, less noise and power consumption +o Centralised administration +o No tampering +o Standalone applications 22.. HHooww ddooeess iitt wwoorrkk?? 1. Diskless computer (DC) broadcasts MAC address with bootp: Who am I? 2. Bootp or DHCP server on S looks up DB: Your IP address is X.X.X.X, your server is S, your boot file is vmlinuz.myname, etc. 3. DC asks to load file from TFTP server on S: Please give me vmlinuz.myname 4. S: Here you are (/tftpdir/vmlinuz.myname) DC thinks a while (booting Linux). 5. DC: Please let me mount / with NFS 6. S: Here is your root FS (/tftpboot/_I_P_n_u_m_b_e_r). (In 2.2 kernels, /tftpboot/_d_o_m_a_i_n_n_a_m_e.) 7. DC: Please let me mount other NFSes (/usr, /home/, etc) 8. S: Here you are 9. DC: Runs intended application Network boot ROM contains code to do 1 and 3. 33.. SSeerrvveerr sseettuupp 33..11.. BBoooottppdd sseettuupp +o Install bootpd +o Edit /etc/bootptab, typical line\ ip= 33..22.. TTffttppdd sseettuupp +o Install tftpd, make sure it's active in /etc/inetd.conf, typical line tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.tftpd /tftpdir 33..33.. KKeerrnneell iimmaaggee You must compile a kernel for the DC that includes NFS support and NIC driver compiled in (not modules). Answer yes to _R_o_o_t _f_i_l_e _s_y_s_t_e_m _o_n _N_F_S_? and _B_O_O_T_P _s_u_p_p_o_r_t_? After building the kernel, run mknbi-linux from the Etherboot distribution on it. Install this _t_a_g_g_e_d _i_m_a_g_e as /tftpdir/_<_b_f _a_t_t_r_i_b_u_t_e _i_n _b_o_o_t_p_t_a_b_>. 44.. NNeett llooaaddeerr A small program that runs as a BIOS extension, usually on an EPROM on the NIC. It handles the BOOTP query and TFTP loading and then transfers control to the loaded image. It uses TCP/IP protocols but the loaded image doesn't have to be Linux. The loaded image can be anything, even DOG. There are two free implementations of TCP/IP net loaders: Etherboot and Netboot: Etherboot uses built-in drivers while Netboot uses Packet drivers. They can also be loaded from a floppy for testing and for temporary setups. 55.. RRHH55 ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn The DC requests to mount /tftpboot/_<_I_P _a_d_d_r_e_s_s _o_f _D_C_> (in 2.1 and above: /tftpboot/_<_n_a_m_e _o_f _D_C _i_n _b_o_o_t_p_t_a_b_>) as its / by NFS from server. You must export this from the server (rw, no_root_squash) because the DC wants to write on it (log files, etc). The / must contain /sbin, /bin, /lib, /etc, /var, /tmp, /root, /dev and /proc. /sbin, /bin, /lib/ can be a copy of an existing RH5 system. They can be shared between all DCs. But hard links only. BTW, don't link to server originals. /etc, /var and /dev should be non-sharable copies. Customise /etc/sysconfig/network, /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, /etc/fstab, /etc/conf.modules, and others. Turn off all network services you don't need. Remove all stuff you don't need from /var, e.g. RPM db, lpd files. /root and /proc should just exist. /tmp should exist and be mode 1777. You probably want to create /usr and /home mount points. /usr can be mounted ro. About 10 MB per DC plus about 15 MB of shared files should be sufficient. BTW: if your DCs are quite similar, the kernel image can also be shared. Here is an illustrative script to create the first root filesystem. Here is an illustrative script to duplicate the root filesystem. 66.. GGoottcchhaass aanndd ccaavveeaattss RH5 wants to fsck the root FS. I stopped this with a /fastboot. But init script wants to delete it, so I did chattr +i /fastboot Another way (unverified): ln -s /bin/true /sbin/fsck.nfs /etc/localtime is a link to TZ file in /usr/share/... I made it a copy. Turn off /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K97network or it will disable the network before root FS is done with. X server wants to write into /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/compiled. I made this a link to /etc/X11/kbd/compiled Remember your DC will keep appending to log files so have logrotate or something deal with them at regular intervals. 77.. XX--tteerrmmiinnaall The reason I started this. I had a 486DX2/66 left over from an upgrade and I wanted to have a quiet X-terminal while the server makes noise somewhere else. 486 or Pentium best. 16 MB should be the minimum. Put in the best video card you can get for it. Normal NIC should do. On the server, make sure the DC is matched by a clause in /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess and comment out the :0 in /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers. Then make sure that xdm is run from the init scripts. On the client, run X -query _s_e_r_v_e_r You will get the xdm login box and then all your X clients will run on the server. I have been using this for several weeks now. 88.. OOtthheerr aapppplliiccaattiioonnss You could netboot routers, print servers (but should not be spooling print server), standalone apps, etc.