16-bit README Ken Yap, kenUNDERSCOREyap AT users PERIOD sourceforge PERIOD net 1 July 1997 These are some notes on the 16-bit version of etherboot, a package for making boot ROMS for Linux. ______________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents 1. Why a 16-bit version? 2. But Linux doesn't run on XTs and ATs 3. So should I use Etherboot/32 or Etherboot/16? 4. What do I need to run it? 5. How do I build it? 6. How do I run it? ______________________________________________________________________ 11.. WWhhyy aa 1166--bbiitt vveerrssiioonn?? So that etherboot can run on XTs and ATs. 22.. BBuutt LLiinnuuxx ddooeessnn''tt rruunn oonn XXTTss aanndd AATTss That's right, but Linux/ELKS eventually will. Not that it will be ever the same as the Linux you love. So Etherboot would be useful for booting those over the network. After all, embedded apps for XTs and ATs are one goal of Linux/ELKS. It might also be useful for netbooting other OSes, but you have to figure out how yourself. 33.. SSoo sshhoouulldd II uussee EEtthheerrbboooott//3322 oorr EEtthheerrbboooott//1166?? If you are using etherboot to load Linux, then you probably want Etherboot/32 because Etherboot/16 is a subset. It only loads tagged images. It can load to extended memory if running on a 286 or above. On a 8086/8 loading to extended memory will silently fail. If you want to make Etherboot/16 ROMs, you need to change the ETHERBOOT variable in src/Config. 44.. WWhhaatt ddoo II nneeeedd ttoo rruunn iitt?? Most of the ISA cards are supported. PCI cards don't work with XTs and ATs anyway. 55.. HHooww ddoo II bbuuiilldd iitt?? First of all get a bcc (Bruce Evan's C compiler) distribution, from the ELKS tool distribution at http://www.cix.co.uk/ mayday/ There is also a mailing list for Linux-8086 developers at linux-8086 AT vger PERIOD rutgers PERIOD edu. Send mail to majordomo AT vger PERIOD rutgers PERIOD edu with the line "subscribe linux-8086" if you want to join. It's very technical though and there won't be anything user friendly for a while. Look over the Config file to see if you need to alter something. By default it builds images for all 4 versions. You can omit the ones you don't want. But it compiles very quickly anyway. Then build the software by saying make. There will be some warnings about duplication definitions of some library routines. Ignore them, the correct ones are the ones in this directory. 66.. HHooww ddoo II rruunn iitt?? Like in bin32, two versions of the boot program for a given card will be built in bin16, card.rom, and card.lzrom. If you want to test from a floppy, prepend floppyload.bin before writing raw to a blank floppy or use the .fd0 targets in the Makefile. All this is just like the Etherboot/32 version. Note that currently floppyload.bin requires at least an 80186/188 due to size constraints. Contributions are welcome. Currently only booting tagged images (see documentation) is supported as I don't know when or if Linux/ELKS will support booting off a NFS mounted root. To make a tagged image see the directory netboot-*.