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7. Writing an Etherboot Driver

7.1 Preliminaries

So Etherboot does not have a driver for your network adapter and you want to write one. You should have a good grasp of C, especially with respect to bit operations. You should also understand hardware interfacing concepts, such as the fact that the x86 architecture has a separate I/O space and that peripherals are commanded with `out' instructions and their status read with `in' instructions. A microprocessor course such as those taught in engineering or computer science curricula would have given you the fundamentals. (Note to educators and students in computer engineering: An Etherboot driver should be feasible as a term project for a final year undergraduate student. I estimate about 40 hours of work is required. I am willing to be a source of technical advice.)

Next you need a development machine. This can be your normal Linux machine. You need another test machine, networked to the development machine. This should be a machine you will not feel upset rebooting very often. So the reset button should be in working condition. :-) It should have a floppy drive on it but does not need a hard disk, and in fact a hard disk will slow down rebooting. Alternatively, it should have another network adapter which can netboot; see discussion further down. Needless to say, you need a unit of the adapter you are trying to write a driver for. You should gather all the documentation you can find for the hardware, from the manufacturer and other sources.

7.2 Background information

There are several types of network adapter architecture. The simplest to understand is probably programmed I/O. This where the controller reads incoming packets into memory that resides on the adapter and the driver uses `in' instructions to extract the packet data, word by word, or sometimes byte by byte. Similarly, packets are readied for transmission by writing the data into the adapter's memory using `out' instructions. This architecture is used on the NE2000 and 3C509. The disadvantage of this architecture is the load on the CPU imposed by the I/O. However this is of no import to Etherboot (who cares how loaded the CPU is during booting), but will be to Linux. Next in the sophistication scale are shared memory adapters such as the Western Digital or SMC series, of which the WD8013 is a good example. Here the adapter's memory is also accessible in the memory space of the main CPU. Transferring data between the driver and the adapter is done with memory copy instructions. Load on the CPU is light. Adapters in this category are some of the best performers for the ISA bus. Finally there are bus mastering cards such as the Lance series for the ISA bus and practically all good PCI adapters (but not the NE2000 PCI). Here the data is transferred between the main memory and the adapter controller using Direct Memory Access. Setting up the transfers usually involves a sequence of operations with the registers of the controller.

7.3 Structure of the code

Examine the file skel.c, in the src directory, which is a template for a driver. You may also want to examine a working driver. You will see that an Etherboot driver requires 5 functions to be provided:

Only the probe routine needs to be public, all the other routines should be static and private to the driver module. Similarly all global data in the driver should be static and private.

In cards.h add a prototype for the probe routine, conditional on INCLUDE_NAMEOFNIC. NAMEOFNIC is derived from the name of the driver source file for your adapter by uppercasing alphabets and converting hyphen to underscore. If the file is pop-sicle.c, then the symbol is INCLUDE_POP_SICLE.

In config.c, add a struct entry containing the name of the driver and a pointer to the probe routine, also conditional on INCLUDE_NAMEOFNIC. The third element of the structure should be pci_probeaddrs in the case of PCI adapters, otherwise 0.

If the NIC is a PCI adapter, near the top of config.c, add INCLUDE_NAMEOFNIC to the list of defines that cause INCLUDE_PCI to be set. Also add an entry in the pci_nic_list array with the name, vendor and id fields filled in. You can obtain the vendor and device ids from the file /usr/include/linux/pci.h. It is also displayed by PCI BIOSes on bootup, or you can use the lspci program from the pciutils package to discover the ids. The other fields will be filled in by the pci routines.

Then add an entry to the file NIC so that the build process will create Makefile rules for it in the file Roms. The build process will cause the driver object will be pulled in from the driver library.

7.4 Booting the code from a floppy

Use the rule for bin32/driver.fd0 or the command `cat bin/boot1a.bin bin32/driver.rom > /dev/fd0' to write another instance of the driver to the floppy for testing. Use lots of printf statements to track where execution has reached and to display the status of various variables and registers in the code. You should expect to do this dance with the development machine, floppy disk and target machine many many times.

7.5 Booting the test code with another Etherboot ROM

There is another method of testing ROM images that does not involve walking a floppy disk between the machines and is much nicer. Set up a supported NIC with a boot ROM. Put the target NIC on the same machine but at a non-conflicting I/O location. That is to say, your test machine has two NICs and two connections to the LAN. Then when you are ready to test a boot image, use the utility mknbi-rom to create a network bootable image from the ROM image, and set up bootpd/DHCPD and tftpd to send this over the when the machine netboots. Using Etherboot to boot another version of itself is rather mind-boggling I know.

7.6 Writing the code

First set up the various required services, i.e. BOOTP/DHCP, tftp, etc. on the development machine. You should go through the setup process with a supported adapter card on a test machine so that you know that the network services are working and what to expect to see on the test machine.

If you are starting from a Linux driver, usually the hardest part is filtering out all the things you do not need from the Linux driver. Here is a non-exhaustive list: You do not use interrupts. You do not need more than one transmit buffer. You do not need to use the most efficient method of data transfer. You do not need to implement multicasting. You do not need to implement statistics counting.

Generally speaking, the probe routine is relatively easy to translate from the Linux driver. The exception is when you need to handle media and speed switching. The reset routine is tricky because you won't know if it worked until you try to transmit or receive. So check carefully for typographical errors. The transmit is usually straightforward, and the receive a bit more difficult. The main problem is that in the Linux driver, the work is split between routines called from the kernel and routines triggered by hardware interrupts. As mentioned before, Etherboot does not use interrupts so you have to bring the work of transmitting and receiving back into the main routines. The disable routine is straightforward if you have the hardware commands.

When coding, first get the probe routine working. You will need to refer to the programmer's guide to the adapter when you do this. You can also get some information by reading a Linux or FreeBSD driver. You may also need to get the reset routine working at this time.

Next, get the transmit routine working. To check that packets are going out on the wire, you can use tcpdump or ethereal on the development machine to snoop on the Ethernet. The first packet to be sent out by Etherboot will be a broadcast query packet, on UDP port 67. Note that you do not need interrupts at all. You should ensure the packet is fully transmitted before returning from this routine. You may also wish to implement a timeout to make sure the driver doesn't get stuck inside transmit if it fails to complete. A couple of timer routines are available for implementing the timeout, see timer.h. You use them like this (in pseudo-code):

        for (load_timer2(TIMEOUT_VALUE);
                transmitter_busy && (status = timer2_running()); )
        if (status == 0)

The timeout value should be 1193 per millisecond of wait. The maximum value is 65535, which is about 54 milliseconds of timeout. If you just need to delay a short time without needing to do other checks during the timeout, you can call waiton_timer2(TIMEOUT_VALUE) which will load, then poll the timer, and return control on timeout.

Please do not use counting loops to implement delays. Such loops are CPU speed dependent and can fail to give the right delay period when run on a faster machine.

Next, get the receive routine working. If you already have the transmit routine working correctly you should be getting a reply from the BOOTP/DHCP server. Again, you do not need interrupts, unlike drivers from Linux and other operating systems. This means you just have to read the right register on the adapter to see if a packet has arrived. Note that you should NOT loop in the receive routine until a packet is received. Etherboot needs to do other things so if you loop in the poll routine, it will not get a chance to do those tasks. Just return 0 if there is no packet awaiting and the main line will call the poll routine again later.

Finally, get the disable routine working. This may simply be a matter of turning off something in the adapter.

7.7 Things to watch out for

Things that may complicate your coding are constraints imposed by the hardware. Some adapters require buffers to be on word or doubleword boundaries. See rtl8139.c for an example of this. Some adapters need a wait after certain operations.

7.8 Tidying up

When you get something more or less working, release early. People on the mailing lists can help you find problems or improve the code. Besides you don't want to get run over by a bus and then the world never gets to see your masterpiece, do you? :-)

Your opus should be released under GPL, BSD or a similar Open Source license, otherwise people will have problems using your code, as most of the rest of Etherboot is GPLed.

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