DRBL 企鵝龍

Diskless Remote Boot in Linux


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蕭志榥 (steven _at_ nchc org tw)
黃國連 (klhaung _at_ gmail com)
王順泰 (c00wht00 _at_ nchc org tw)
孫振凱 (ceasar _at_ nchc org tw)
王耀聰 (jazzwang _at_ nchc org tw)
蔡育欽 (thomas _at_ nchc org tw)
drbl-client-switch 這個指令會設定DRBL客戶端機器開機後的模式,目前支援切換成Linux(Penguinzilla), FreeDOS, memtest, Clonezilla, 網路安裝RedHat等模式 指令的格示如下所示

1. 交談視窗: 執行 dcs 或是 drbl-client-switch (不下任何參數)


drbl_client_switch screenshot


2. 命令列指令: 執行 "dcs [參數] 模式" 或是 "drbl-client-switch [參數] 模式"

-l, --language Set the language to be shown by index number
[0]: English, [1]: Chinese Traditional (Big5) - Taiwan, [2] Chinese Traditional (UTF-8, Unicode) - Taiwan
-h, --host [IP_LIST|MAC_LIST] Instead of all DRBL clients, assign some DRBL clients (IP_LIST or MAC_LIST) to be processed, if IP_LIST or MAC_LIST is not set, a dialog menu will be shown so that the target DRBL client(s) can be selected. The IP_LIST is like: "", and the MAC_LIST is like "00:50:56: 01:02:01 00:50:56:01:02:02". NOTE!!! You must put " " before and after the IP_LIST or MAC_LIST!
-nl, --no-list-host Set all clients' mode (This is default)
remote-linux, remote-linux-graphic, remote-linux-text, remote-memtest, remote-fdos, clonezilla-save-disk, clonezilla-restore-disk, clonezilla-save-hda1, clonezilla-restore-hda1, clonezilla-stop, local, 等等,你可以執行dcs --help看到可用的模式。

舉例說明, 假設您打算DRBL用戶端下次開機的時候切換成做memtest來測試它的記憶體 則您只需要下達以下的指令:

# dcs -l 2 -nl remote-memtest

這樣,執行的顯示語言是中文Big5(-l 2),然後設定所有的(-nl)DRBL用戶端下次在開機的時候執行記憶體測試。

1. 所有模式的說明如下:
remote-linux: Client machine will boot from DRBL server, use the default text/graphic mode, for powerful client.
remote-linux-gra: Client machine will boot from DRBL server, and enter graphic mode, for powerful client.
remote-linux-txt: Client machine will boot from DRBL server, and enter text mode, for powerful client.
thin-client: Remote display Linux, thin client
remote-memtest: Remote boot to run memtest86
remote-fdos: Remote boot to run FreeDOS
clonezilla-save-disk: Clonezilla save disk mode
clonezilla-restore-disk: Clonezilla restore disk Mode
clonezilla-save-parts: Clonezilla save partitions mode
clonezilla-restore-parts: Clonezilla restore partitions mode
clonezilla-save-hda1: Clonezilla save 1st partition (hda1) mode
clonezilla-restore-hda1: Clonezilla restore 1st partition (hda1) mode
clonezilla-stop: Stop the clonezilla mode
local: Client machine will boot from local (now PXE only)
reboot Reboot DRBL clients now
shutdown Shutdown DRBL clients now
Wake-on-LAN Turn on DRBL clients by Wake-on-LAN now
netinstall Let clients to install Linux distribution via network (PXE/etherboot)
switch-pxe-menu Switch DRBL client menus
login-switch Switch DRBL client login mode
switch-drbl-serv Start, stop or restart DRBL related services in DRBL server
